A Special Christmas Message from Ray Mears

 Ray Mears, founder of Woodlore

Christmas is almost upon us, the maelstrom of human activity is reaching its pre-festivity crescendo. Now is the perfect moment to step aside from the hurl and burl of shopping to sit by a campfire and reflect upon the natural world. Today was the shortest day of the year, despite our calendars prediction of the years start, tomorrow the Northern Hemisphere will begin its inexorable tilt back towards the sun and our days will grow longer. Already underground plants are readying themselves to burst forth in the early spring, while inside the bellies of our deer new life has started to grow.

Together with the creatures of the wild we may still have to face the storms and cold of January and February, but there is potential in the air. Christmas falls perfectly in mid winter, a time for family, a time to celebrate and a time for community. Nothing nature can throw at us will withstand the cheer and spirit of Christmas.

I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year.

 – Ray Mears, December 2011

31 thoughts on “A Special Christmas Message from Ray Mears

  1. alexandre goyette

    im already planing next christmas . this time i want to go to the boreal forest . best wishes from Montreal for the next holiday season


  2. john

    Happy new year ray and family,keep up the good work,i live in new zealand(great country),but i see you on tv and long to return to the uk,fantastic what you do,cheers


  3. Mikey Joe Kirby.

    Have a great year Ray,
    Its always a pleasure to watch and hear what you have to say.
    I really enjoy your programs and thank you for all the pleasure you have given me over the years, Regards Mikey.


  4. Kane Wallace

    hope you had a Merry Christmas Ray and everyone at Woodlore. This really is the perfect time of year to sit by a campfire, i love winter camping, just started teaching a bushcraft course to my fellow 6th formers and a few of us went out when it was snowing to make a basic camp, everyone enjoyed it. My younger brother asked me to take him camping as part of his Christmas present he’s only eight but we went and he loved it, he in fact joked about me e-mailing you to thank you for teaching us so much, i thought it was a good idea, thank Ray and Woodlore you’ve been a real inspiration and we’re very grateful.
    Happy New year

    Winner of ‘Comment of the Week’


  5. Duncan

    Ray, very Happy Christmas and New Year. I have always found your programs very enjoyable and a great inspiration. I love the way you show the natural side of life and how to live as one with it.

    Always keep up the great work

    Best Wishes


  6. Mark H

    A Very Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.

    Thank you to Ray and All at Woodlore , past and present , always very inspirational- our “Bushcraft Compass”.

    Go Well

    Mark & Lucy


  7. Simon fuller

    Merry Christmas to you Ray and your team.
    I have watched your programs and seen your presentations at TunbridgeWells on a few occasions and its inspired me to get back out camping in the woods!
    From a 40 year old man, with a heart of a boy out for hip first nights camp!


  8. Katie

    Merry Christmas to you, Ray! Many blessings for 2012.

    Just heading out North to make the long 4 1/2 hour journey from Toronto (currently -1 and no snow) to Lake Restoule (currently -12 with 38 inches of snow lol!). Christmas in northern Ontario is spectacular! Fulfilling our family tradition of spending Christmas Eve outdoors. Campfire blazing, cooking over the fire, mulled wine…it’s always good fun!

    Looking forward to attending my first Woodlore course in the Spring 🙂

    A safe and joyous Christmas to all and a happy New Year!xxx


  9. Debby Hume

    Yuletide felicitations to the Ray, Steve, the Woodlore team, to all the Woodloreans I’ve had the pleasure of spending time with over the last few years, and (lastly) to one and all!

    Isn’t nature amazing. Just glancing out into my garden today I’ve seen a couple of Jays busying themselves, a Green Woodpecker hammering into the grass looking for ants. My Salvia microphylla (Blackcurrant Sage) is still on flower, and competing with an Ipheion uniflorum (Star of Bethlehem) for most prolific plant!

    I’m looking forward to: having my boys home for a few days, hot mince pies covered in pine sugar, chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Rachmaninov’s Vespas on in the background, enjoying some nights under canvas… Ho, ho, ho!

    Three cheers for Christmas. My happiest time of year. x


  10. Lynne Campbell

    Hi Ray, That’s a great photo; you look like you were enjoying the snow! Thanks for the inspiration and thanks for all your beautiful TV for the long family evenings! Best Wishes for 2012 and the future.
    Much Obliged
    Lynne Campbell


  11. Jane

    Have a great Yule Ray 🙂
    There was a glorious sun rise here this morning, now I am tired from staying up but it was worth it for that and the murmurating rooks and starlings.


  12. Preben Richter

    I wish You Mr. Mears, and all the people at Woodlore a Merry Christmas.
    And as we say in Norway, thank you for the year that is soon to leave us.
    And of course, a Happy New Year.
    You Mr. Mears, are the reason I am out in nature, with my better half, paddling our canoe, and using our fireflash.
    I enjoy your programs very very much, and I hope you continue to teach us about bushcraft, and the finer points of survival in nature.

    Preben Richter


  13. Kev Bullock

    Thank you for the words of wisdom and inspiration now and over the years, happy solstice, Christmas and all the best for 2012 to you, all at Woodlore and Mother Earth!


  14. Susanne

    Thank you Ray, for all you do for us. All the mild mindfulness you have brought to so many over the years. From the deep German Alps that are filling up with snow, where people really do have to respect nature and the weather in the every day, we salute you with Yuletide greetings!


  15. Kieran Garland

    Thank you, Ray.

    Bushcraft has taught me to think of winter as a time for comfort, good food and warmth, the touch of a friendly hand and for talk beside the fire. It is the time for home.

    Merry Christmas


  16. Andrew Saddington

    A Merry Christmas to you “Sir Ray” and all your family as well, Cheers and keep up the very , very good work.XXXX


  17. alexandre goyette

    HI RAY , everyone thanks for the work you have done . I appreciate learning off of youtube . in less then 3 years since i pitch my first tent in january with inadequat gear :)…. my dreams wher reality and there is still more to learn. now im off to camp out with canvas and tent for chrismas . no snow in the city im better off in the woods



  18. Jim Robertson

    Hi Ray, long time no see. My very best wishes to you for Xmas and the new year. Clear paths and fine days to you my old mate.


  19. Richard Cook

    Dear Ray,

    Thank you for wishing us all a wonderful christmas and happy new year, just like to return your kind festive wishes and wish you a safe 2012, also.

    My wife and I decided not to take our family on the usual two week camp this year only staying at a friends small holiday home (Hayling Island)Many thanks Una) for a long weekend. Then seven other familys joined us on Mersea Island for a two night get together, F A B !!!

    We really missed our 14 nights under canvas and look forward to something different in 2012. Who knows where the wind will blow us??!!!

    Take care & best wishes,
    from Richard & Sarah, Amber,Richie and Nathan Cook.


  20. Dionisius St. Clair

    Beautiful words Ray, I will be going out and making myself a campfire and sleeping under the stars Boxing day. I think it will be a perfect time to reflect on the past year and look into the next.

    Thankyou Ray, Merry Christmas.


  21. Sean

    “Now is the perfect moment to step aside from the hurl and burl of shopping to sit by a campfire and reflect upon the natural world. ”

    It’s always a good time for that. Thanks for the good words, good sir. 🙂 And all the best to you and the woodlore community



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